Fishery Technology Journal

Shown below are all the articles published so far. Please type the year in the above box to search for articles for a particular year.


Vol: 61, Issue: 3 (13 Articles)
  1. Exploring the Role of Phytochemical Additives in Enhancing the Properties of Gelatin-Chitosan Films: A Review
  2. Ivermectin, its Applications in Aquaculture and Detection Methods
  3. Ovarian Development and Histological Investigation of Arius subrostratus (Shovelnose Sea Catfish) from Cochin Estuary, India
  4. Length-weight Relationship of the Endangered Devil Ray Mobula mobular (Bonnaterre, 1778) off Gulf of Mannar, India
  5. Evaluating LNG-Diesel Dual-Fuel Systems in Trawling: Results from Trials off Cochin, Kerala
  6. Quantitative Assessment and Temporal Fluctuation of a Multiday Shrimp Trawl Bycatch off Digha Coast, West Bengal, India
  7. Effect of Garlic Paste Addition on the Fatty Acid Profile and Oxidative Stability of Shrimp Analogue Fortified with PUFA-rich Fish Oil During Frozen Storage at -20oC
  8. Exploring the Nutritional and Sensory Impact of Red Seaweed Fortification in Dark Chocolate
  9. Utilizing Silage-Based Bioconversion of Myctophid Biomass to Enhance Protein Content and Nutritional Value of Aquafeed
  10. Assessment of Total Phenolic Content and In Vitro Antioxidant Activity in Brown Seaweeds Turbinaria conoides and Padina tetrastromatica from the Mandapam Coast
  11. Detection of Non-transferable vanC1 and vanC2/3 Genes in Vancomycin Resistant Enterococci Isolated from Freshwater Fish Collected from Retail Markets
  12. Nutritional Stability and Sensory Quality of Fish Chips Made from Recovered Thai Pangas (Pangasianodon hypophthalmus) Mince During Extended Storage
  13. Stake Net Fishery of Central Kerala – Costs, Returns and Seasonality

Vol: 61, Issue: 2 (10 Articles)
  1. Cell-based Meat: An Emerging Paradigm in Fish Meat Production
  2. Enhancing Pond Productivity of Indian Butter Catfish (Ompok bimaculatus): Impact of Protein-Rich Feeds over Conventional Feed
  3. Selective Breeding Approach to Study the Nauplii Size Variations in Artemia
  4. Effect of Methionine and Selenium on Growth and Nutrient Performance of Rohu (Labeo rohita)
  5. Lake Morphometry and its Effect on Aquatic Vegetation under the Influence of Eutrophication in Kashmir Waters
  6. Fishing Methods of River Cauvery (Western Ghats, India) in Altered Habitat Conditions
  7. Mitigating Lead Pollution in Marine Ecosystems: Nano- Silica-Reinforced Epoxy Coating for Enhanced Corrosion Resistance of Fishing Sinkers
  8. Unique Behaviour-Driven Fishing Strategy of Freshwater Mullet, Rhinomugil Corsula (Hamilton, 1822) in Lower and Estuarine Stretch of River Ganga
  9. Dynamics of Fish Import Trade to India – Cross Sectional Analysis of Trade Quantity, Value and Policy Aspects
  10. Effect of Steam Shucking on the Biochemical Composition of Black Clam (Villorita cyprinoides)

Vol: 61, Issue: 1 (12 Articles)
  1. Molecular Insights into Actinobacterial Genome for Natural Product Discovery
  2. Piscicidal Efficacy of Selected Plant Products against Murrel (Channa spp) in Tripura, Northeast India: A Bioassay Study
  3. Effect of Salinity on Growth and Haematological Indices of Pangasianodon hypophthalmus (Sauvage, 1878)
  4. Shell Nacre Colour is Predictable from Shell Morphometric Measurements in Indian Pearl Mussel Lamellidens corrianus (Lea, 1834)
  5. Process Protocol for Tilapia Fish Momos and its Quality Evaluation During Chilled Storage
  6. Total Phenolic Content and In-Vitro Antioxidant Activity of Coconut Husk Extracts: Effect on Proximate Composition and Texture of Tilapia Surimi Gel
  7. Characteristics of Carrageenan Extracted from Commercially Important Seaweeds from the MIMAROPA Region, Philippines
  8. Whole Genome Sequencing of Vibrio alginolyticus: Insights into Virulence and Antimicrobial Resistance
  9. Market Reforms of Marine Fisheries During COVID-19 in Kerala: Implications for Sustainable Management)
  10. Assessing the Consumer Knowledge and Perception on Health Benefits of Fish Consumption – Evidence from the Tribal Populace of Wayanad
  11. Farming of Peneaus vannamei in Biofloc System: A Participatory Farmer Experiment
  12. Histological Evidences of the Ulcer Healing Properties of Perna viridis Extracts


Vol: 60, Issue: 4 (10 Articles)
  1. Marine Pots and Traps of the South-West Coast of India: A Review of their Design, Operation and Fisheries
  2. Artificial Reef Deployment in North Bali, Indonesia: An Innovative Strategy to Rebuild Reef Ecosystem in Climate Change Affected Area
  3. Impact of Coloured LED lights and Lunar Phase on Catches of Selected Shrimp Species in a Filtration Field at Kudappuram, Vembanad Lake
  4. Comparative Study of Biochemical Composition and Nutrient Profile of Four Species of Penaeid Shrimps
  5. Levels of Faecal Indicator Bacteria and Biofilm-Producing Escherichia Coli in Vembanad Lake, Kerala, India
  6. Proliferation of Private Food Safety Standards in Indian Seafood Export Supply Chain – A Study on Kerala
  7. Socio-cultural Factors Affecting Fresh Fish Consumption and Willingness to Consume Fish-based Products among Tribals: A Study in Wayanad, Kerala
  8. Length–weight Relationship of Mangrove Clam Anodontia edentula (Linnaeus, 1758) from Kattampally, Valapattanam River, Kerala, India
  9. The Effect of Different Processing Methods on the Proximate Composition of Banded Gourami (Trichogaster fasciata)
  10. Tailoring Chitosan as a Pickering Emulsion Stabilizer – A Preliminary Assessment

Vol: 60, Issue: 3 (11 Articles)
  1. History, Present Status and Strategies of Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Farming in Jammu and Kashmir, India-A Review
  2. Digestive Enzyme Profiling in Different Life Cycle Stages of Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss, Walbaum 1792) from Kashmir Valley
  3. Application of Micro-nutrients Affects Planktonic Quality and Quantity
  4. Fishing Crafts and Gears Used Along Selected Stretch of River Mahanadi
  5. Preservation of Indian Mackerel (Rastrelliger kanagurta) Using Fish Protein Hydrolysate Based Bioactive Edible Coating Incorporated with Chitosan and Clove Oil
  6. Protein Isolate from Brown Seaweed, Sargassum tenerrimum: Extraction and Characterization
  7. Efflux Pump and Biofilm Forming Capabilities of Antibiotic Resistant, Serratia marcescens from Freshwater Fish Farms in Andhra Pradesh, India
  8. Comparison of Standard, Fluorogenic and Chromogenic Substrate Based Methods for Enumeration of Escherichia coli in Sasthamkotta Lake of Kerala, India
  9. Comparative Economics of Various Management Regimes of Chaur Fisheries in Koshi- Gandak River Basin of Bihar)
  10. Antioxidant Properties of Chitooligosaccharides Produced by Enzymatic Degradation of Chitosan
  11. Statistical Models for Estimating Trend and Growth Rate of Shrimp Culture and Production in India

Vol: 60, Issue: 2 (10 Articles)
  1. The Efficiency of Satellite Automatic Identification System (Sat-AIS) Device for Monitoring Small Scale Fisheries in Ghana
  2. Nutritional Facts of Mytella strigata Collected from Cochin Backwater, Kerala, India
  3. Quality Characteristics of Cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis) Treated with Different Additives During Iced Storage
  4. Potential of Fish Scales in the Eco-friendly Treatment of Fish Processing Industry Effluent
  5. Screening and Characterization of Tyrosinase Producing Bacteria from Sauce Prepared Using Rohu and Sardine by Enzymatic and Fermentative Method
  6. Enforcement of Minimum Legal Size on Fishers in Kerala, India: An Economic Appraisal
  7. Fisherwomen’s Participation in Fisheries: A Case Study of Bargi Reservoir in Madhya Pradesh, India
  8. Oxygen Consumption and Ammonia Excretion Rates of the Sea Cucumber Holothuria spinifera, (Theel, 1886) in Relation to Reproductive Stages
  9. Hematological and Biochemical Parameters in Female Black King Fish Cobia (Rachycentron canadum))
  10. Antibiotic Resistance and Pathogenic Potential of Escherichia coli Isolated from Food Contact Surfaces of a Commercial Kitchen

Vol: 60, Issue: 1 (10 Articles)
  1. Marine Fisheries in Kerala, India: An Extension Perspective
  2. Augmenting Aquaculture Production in Sewage-Fed Village Ponds through Regulated Growth of Water Hyacinth, Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms
  3. Indigenous Inland Fish Traps and Pots of Maharashtra, India
  4. Traditional Fishing Gears and Methods of the Bodo Tribes of Kokrajhar, Assam
  5. Nutritional, Textural and Sensory Attributes of Spiced- Shrimp Fortified Biscuits
  6. Mechanical Characterization of Epoxy Resin Based Composite Material Reinforced with Fish Scale
  7. Comparative Quality Evaluation of Frozen Stored Litopenaeus vannamei Reared in Inland Saline Water and Brackish Water
  8. Chitinase Production by Marine Bacterium Pseudomonas putida Mb12 in Free and Immobilised form: A Comparative Investigation
  9. Climate Change Induced Occupational Shifts of Fishermen in Selected Coastal Areas of Central Kerala: Fishermen Perspective
  10. Estimation of Revenue-Based Fishing Capacity of Trawlers Using Data Envelopment Analysis